
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Label Maker

I just love, love, love my label maker.  It helps me to stay a little more organized. 

I first bought my label maker when the kids were little, when they had a gajillion art supplies.  I bought a dozen or more plastic see-through shoe box size containers and made a label for each box: craft sticks, pipe cleaners, wiggly eyes, beads, wooden pieces, felt and so on.  I even made a "label maker" box.  It's time to revisit that closet and reorganize.  It's a super mess right now.

For my linen closet, I made shelf labels according to sheet size and towel size: queen, full, twin, bath towels, hand towels, pillow cases.   So organized, except for when a kid pulls something out from the bottom of a stack and all falls to the floor in a heap and it's left there...

In the pantry, I've labeled the plastic containers that hold the rice, grits, crackers etc.  (That might of been part of a cub scout thing.)

Even our yard tools got labeled.  I think it was for a cub scout project, too.  All the rakes, shovels, spades... have been labeled.  That's good for when you go to a work project and bring your own tools.

School things: notebooks, calculators, pencil cases.  Each child prints out name/subject for each notebook.  (The kids like making labels.)

Don't forget the flash light and camera!!

And, some of my files I've labeled with the labeler.  If I was super organized, I'd do them all.  I'm not super organized. 

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