
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

House Keeping

When Tom found out he was not going to have a job in the new year, one of the first things I had to do was break up with my housekeeper.  She is a dear women who comes to our house every other week to tackle the big stuff (bathrooms, vacuuming, kitchen...)  I am so thankful for her.

This is how we (kids, too!) got the job done.

I would block out 3-4 hours on a Saturday morning to devote to the job of getting the house clean.  I'd put, in a big plastic bucket, all of the supplies I would need to do the job: toilet bowl cleaner, powdered cleanser, surface cleaner in a spray bottle, toothbrush, plastic yellow gloves, swiffer duster, window cleaner, razor blade.  I'd have two plastic grocery bags.  One I'd put about a dozen clean rags in and the other would be for when the rags get dirty.  I'd bring the broom and dust pan with me, too.

Note: Plastic Yellow Gloves...I can do just about any gross job if I have on Yellow Gloves.

Having all of my supplies handy, I head to the first bathroom.  I do all bathrooms first.  Get the worst job over first.  I spray the toilet bowl with cleanser and let that sit while I'll tackle the tub/shower.  I found that a razor blade will get the soap scum off of tile quickly and cleanly.  Sinks/counter tops next.  Spray with surface cleaner, wipe with dry cloth.  As clothes get soiled, I grab a clean one and continue. Sweep and mop last.

While I am in the bathrooms, I send the kids to their rooms to tackle their messes.  They must make their bed, put away stuff, dust with a swiffer (including shutters), and vacuum.

When a child finished the chore of "their room" and have a list of things for them to accomplish nest.  I wrote out nine additional chores on individual post-it notes.  Each child would choose three additional chores.  First come, first serve.

1) Collect trash from trashcans throughout the house.
2) Sweep upstairs hall and stairs.
3) Dust and vacuum mom's room.
4) Sweep guest room, back TV room, and hallway.
5) Sweep and dust piano room and dad's office.
6) Sweep dining room and kitchen.
7) Dust all shutters downstairs.
8) Vacuum living room and back TV room.
9) Dust living room, dining room, piano room.

After I finish the bathrooms, I head to the kitchen to tackle that.  Clean all surfaces and sweep. 

Lastly, I'd damp mop most of the hardwood floors.

All I can say is this is hard work!  And how I appreciate Miss Yelena more than ever!  And that I'm glad my kids got to see first hand how hard it is to keep everything clean.

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