
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's Girl Scout Cookie Time

We just love, love, love Girl Scout Cookie time.  For the past few years, we've made sure to buy one of everyone kind sold, so we can  have a taste test!  The way we went about the taste test this year was very simple.  First, we decided which one we would like the best and which one we would like the least.  Next we put one of each kind on a paper plate.  Then we tasted the same cookie at the same time, tasting each cookie.  Lastly, we said which was our favorite and which was our least favorite.  That was it. This year there were only six different ones: thin mints, samoas, trefoils, dosidos, tagalongs, savannah smiles.  The least favorite for everyone was the Savannah Smiles (kind of lemon wedding cookie.)  The favorites were tagalongs (Caroline), thin mints (Thomas--although he says they're all good), samoas (Mary Elizabeth).

One year we made tasting sheets with different categories: appearance, flavor, texture, yumminess.    We tasted each cookie and then scored each one 1 to 10 points per catagory. ("1"meaning didn't like it so much and "10"meaning we liked it a lot).  We ate saltines and took a sip a water between bites of cookie. We compared the scores in each category, and then we  added up the total scores to determine the overall winner.  So much fun.  The cookies pictured above were from that year.  (From the top row, only the 3rd from the left, DoSiDos, were offered this year.  All of the bottom row- thin mint, samoa, trefoil, tagalong- were offered this year.)

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